
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Welcome to Little Miss Sophisticate...

Hello Everyone!

Ever since I finished nursing school in the spring of 2012, I’ve wanted to start a blog that would serve as a creative outlet to which I could devote my time and energy between shifts at the hospital.  I suppose my first year as a nurse was relatively busy as I never really got any further than choosing a name and never really got around to uploading any posts!  Perhaps this was a good thing since my vision for my little creative outlet has changed dramatically throughout the year.  At first, I planned for a fashion blog, but now I am thinking more about combining everything that comes to mind when I think of wellness.  Throughout my first year as a nurse, I have experimented with different foods, different shifts, different sleep schedules, and different self-care rituals, and although I’m sure I will continue to do so from this time forward, I feel I am developing a healthy system for myself.  And I think that’s what I want to share here – what I am doing to keep my mind and body happy, healthy, and sophisticated.  

Therefore, this blog will be devoted to food, exercise, beauty regimens and products, maybe some more scientific inquiries or literature reviews when something like that strikes my fancy, and anything else I may find interesting to explore and share.  


As a nurse working twelve hour shifts, who does not always know when – or at times even if - I will be getting my “lunch” break (and I say “lunch” because it’s normally between 4-7pm), I need to make the best possible choices when it comes to food.  I really try to think about which foods will keep my energy level consistently high while also understanding which foods tend to keep me satisfied for hours on end.     Choosing to eat the right foods at the most opportune times is difficult to do in even the most leisurely of settings, but throwing in a high(er) stress environment and time crunches that only allow one to eat very quickly can lead to some very bad food decisions. 

In this section, I will be sharing various recipes or products I have tried and how I feel about them.  Some are super simple – like a handful of nuts – and some may be more complex. And btw – not all are healthy!  I really like chocolate and desserts! 


I have been committed to the same exercise regimen since Christmas 2009 when I received my first Tracy Anderson Method DVD.  I plan on sharing my thoughts and feelings on the method and her various DVDs.  I will discuss how I have adjusted TAM to my lifestyle and share some results.  I might also share my thoughts, opinions, and personal experiences on other fitness things I have tried as well, but that may be few and far between since I do not stray too far from my normal routine.  I’ll throw in some reviews on exercise equipment (like clothing, shoes, etc).


One of my 2013 resolutions was to take better care of my skin.  Because of that, I have started to experiment with more products.  Some have left me with really great results while others not so much.  I try to stay away from super high end products because for some reason I just can’t justify spending a ton of money on something I’m going to rub into my skin.  I seem to get the results I want from low to mid-range products anyway, and I don’t worry quite so much that I’ll get overly attached to an expensive product that I may not always afford.  

My absolute favorite part of my day is my whole “getting ready” routine.  I love my baths and showers.  I love applying my creams and doing my makeup.  I love putting on body lotion and perfume, and then getting dressed.  And then, at the end of the day, I love my nighttime routine.  Basically, I love primping and pampering myself.  I like feeling pretty.  (I will say that doing my hair is a chore, but maybe that’s because I just do it to get it done.  I need to learn to enjoy it).  In my beauty posts, I’ll share products I’ve tried and whether I like them or not, and how I use them.  I’ll also discuss different active ingredients and how they are supposed to affect your skin.



Sometimes, I come across a fashion item that I absolutely LOVE.  I’ll share.
Sometimes, I’ll put together an outfit I really love.  I’ll share that, too.

Talk to you guys again soon!


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